Monseñor Víctor Tamayo Orphanage is located in Barranquilla, Colombia, and serves as a space for the restoration of rights, providing comprehensive care to vulnerable children and youth.

In agreement with the municipality of Barranquilla and the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare, we offer tutoring, therapy, occupational workshops, and extracurricular activities to more than 1,000 boys and girls who have been abused or don’t have access to a dignified life.

We help these children to develop their skills further and teach them the essentials to become resilient, empowered, and confident individuals who can overcome the challenges they face and build brighter futures.

Children impacted through our work
Social workforces trained
Family members supported by our programs


Every child has the right to a safe, stable, and permanent home. Our main goal is to offer a safe home and academic support through comprehensive education that promotes educational, emotional, and spiritual growth to children in need.

Through specific programs and activities, we promote important values such as respect, solidarity, responsibility, and honesty among the students. They are taught to be engaged citizens in their community and contribute positively to society.


This home has been changing the lives of 96 children by offering them a safe haven to escape dangerous situations, heal their traumas and grow up in a loving environment through educational and recreational development.